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  • Tongling Wusong Valve Co.,Ltd
  • Address:No.3636,Qifeng Road,Shizishan Economic Zone,Tongling,Anhui,China
  • Tel:0086 0562-2826399
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Brief analysis on the development of valve manufacturing industry

Update:2019-05-15      From:Tongling Wusong Valve Co.,Ltd

The valve is the control part in the fluid transportation system, which has the function of cut-off, adjustment, diversion, prevention of backflow, voltage stabilization, shunt and so on. Can be used to control air, water, steam, corrosive media and other types of fluid flow. With the application of new material technology, advanced manufacturing technology, intelligent technology and network technology, the valve products are developing towards the direction of integration, high parameter and intelligence, and the manufacturing mode will change to service-oriented manufacturing.

Brief analysis on the implementation of differentiated competition strategy in valve manufacturing industry development is urgent

Throughout the development of China's valve market, China's valve started late, from the level of technology and market size, and foreign countries have a large gap. After decades of development, the introduction of foreign similar products design, technology and other advanced technology and processing equipment, now, China's valve market has emerged more than a thousand quite scale valve enterprises.

Cryogenic valves, for example, the conventional cryogenic valves enterprise mainly for Shanghai fortune and valve Co., Ltd., sichuan air separation matching valve Co., Ltd., chengdu SUFA Technology Industry Co., Ltd., CNNC. And suzhou neway valve Co., Ltd., etc., and it has the characteristics of Beijing aerospace petrochemical Technology and equipment engineering company and so on, these firms that produce low temperature relief valve also more use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) projects in foreign countries.

Pump valve as a core component of chemical machinery and equipment, the development and expansion of its industry is of self-evident importance to the national industrial modernization construction. Take the pump valve as an example, yongjia valve industry, with the reputation of "hometown of China's pump valve", attaches importance to the innovation and development in technology research and development, industrial informatization and technical standardization. Admittedly, the pump valve industry cluster represented by yongjia valve industry plays an indispensable role in promoting the valve industry.

Although the valve development positive factors appear, the market performance is obvious to all. However, most of the enterprises are small in scale, homogeneous competition phenomenon is severe, the industry lacks of large *** valve production enterprises.

With the rapid development of national economy and the popularization and application of industrial automation, the matching quantity of electric valve devices is increasing day by day. Today, all countries are actively seizing the commanding heights of a new round of development. The integration of the Internet and traditional industries is an opportunity and commanding heights for enterprises in the industry. Valve enterprises must seize this historical opportunity to realize the transformation of China's valve manufacturing industry from a big country to a strong country. Manufacturing to sales are moving towards intelligent direction is another development strategy of valve enterprises.

According to the related report of, enterprises can promote brand development by four ways: from export to domestic sales, from OEM to independent brand, from low-end to high-end upgrade, and from manufacturing to service. We believe that doing a good job in brand positioning, channel positioning, market positioning, at the same time in product research and development efforts, to achieve differentiation strategy, can help a valve company avoid homogeneous product production, achieve differentiation strategy, build brand new competitive advantage.